Doulos- the new me.

A transparent blog about following Jesus Christ.

Friday, October 16, 2009

It's about time!

I've been gone for the title is being used for dual purposes.
When we last left our heroine, me, I was starting to dear friend Jessica was investing in me and I was growing.

And I grew. I met a guy and for the first time in my life, I dated differently. I wanted to do things "the right way"; I wanted more than heartache out of this relationship. He and I really communicated about what we wanted and how we wanted to be prayerful about everything we did together; even if that meant not being together.

After a couple of weeks I had to go back to Michigan for a wedding. We decided we'd pray and talk when I got back. It was amazing how little stress was involved in leaving. I had decided to ask God into a relationship of mine for the first time in my life and I just knew that he would make things abundantly clear.

My Mom picked me up from the airport and took me to see my Dad; he was running sound for a friend of his.

I got to the gig.
I saw a boy.
I went out with the boy.
I talked to his friend.
I fell in love with his friend.
It changed my life.

That was a Saturday night. All I could think about was David Proulx all day on Sunday. I called him but he wasn't there so I had to leave him a message and wait...wait...wait...the hours seemed to take FOREVER. He FINALLY called, I couldn't believe how nervous I was talking to him. "Do you want to come over and go to the Bird Sanctuary?", I asked. "I'll be there in 30 minutes!", was his reply.

Honestly, if we could re-create that first date it would look great on film. Do you remember "You've Got Mail", when Meg Ryan's character is just walking and looking at Tom Hank's character; just knowing but not able to believe she loves him? That was us. We walked and talked and sat, and kissed. We couldn't stop kissing in fact. I was so, something, that I wanted to vomit.

I lost 5 pounds in one week, on account of being "in love".

On Monday we went to Chicago and we said, "I love you", for the first time. On Tuesday we decided to get married.
On Wednesday we picked out our rings. On Friday he bought mine.

That Saturday I flew back to Arizona, ended it with the really nice guy, and flew back home to David Proulx.
He asked me to marry him that next Friday.
We got married 2 months later.

Crunch time.


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